Sunday 13 June 2010



Forgive me, I've gone to my previous blog. No justificable reason. Forgive me.

Please pay a visit to :

Love you guys, as always.

Sunday 30 May 2010

Israel Lancar “Operasi Angin Laut” Halang Armada Kemanusiaan Gaza “Freedom Flotilla"

...Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir (Al-Baqarah: 286).

Salams sahabat-sahabat yang dimuliakan,

Bahawa kapal-kapal yang membawa segala bantuan ke GAZA sedang dalam rencana untuk diserang oleh laknatullah Israel. Saya mohon doa dari pembaca-pembaca yang dimuliakan untuk keselamatan 600 orang dan 8 kapal yang terbabit. Sesungguhnya Allah swt sahaja Penolong kita, dan mohonlah darinya. Disini saya sertakan artikel perkembangan terbaru di GAZA.

Israel Lancar “Operasi Angin Laut” Halang Armada Kemanusiaan Gaza “Freedom Flotilla"

May 30, 2010

30 Mei – Pasukan ketenteraan Israel kini di bawah pengawasan dan arahan terus dari kerajaan Israel, telah bersedia untuk misi yang mereka namakan “Operation Sky Wind” / Operasi Angin Laut” bagi menyerang dan menangkap aktivis armada bantuan kemanusiaan Gaza atau Freedom Frotilla yang akan bergerak menuju ke Gaza dalam masa terdekat.

Sumber Israel melaporkan bahawa angkatan laut telah bersiapsedia dengan semua persiapan untuk pengambilalihan kapal-kapal tersebut, samada secara paksa jika perlu, dalam usaha untuk mengelakkan daripada konvoi tersebut berlabuh di pantai Gaza. Operasi ini dipimpin langsung oleh Komando Angkatan Laut Israel Mayor Jenderal Elizer Marom

Serangan yang dirancang meliputi empat tahap;

1. Tahap Amaran; Tentera Laut akan sentiasa berusaha untuk menghentikan kapal dari menghampiri garis sempadan yang ditentukan yang dikategori sebagai garis merah, apabila kapal menceroboh garis yang ditentukan, mereka akan diberi amaran bahawa mereka telah “melanggar undang-undang”.

2. Hentikan dan mengawal kapal-kapal tersebut; sekiranya kapal-kapal gagal mematuhi arahan Tentera Laut Israel, tentera laut Israel akan menyerang dan seterusnya mengambilalih lapan buah kapal yang mengangkut hampir 800 aktivis. Kapal-kapal akan dibawa ke Asdod Port dan aktivis akan ditahan di sebuah khemah besar yang telah dipasang untuk tujuan ini.

3. Diasingkan dan dihantar balik; tentera dan polis Israel memerintahkan para aktivis ditahan untuk menandatangani kenyataan menerima untuk dihantarbalik ke negara asal mereka, dan akan dihantar pulang melalui udara di Lapangan Terbang Ben Gurion.

4. Penangkapan sebelum dihantarbalik; sekiranya aktivis enggan dan menolak untuk menandatangani kenyataan untuk dihantar balik ke negara asal, mereka akan ditangkap, dihantar untuk pemeriksaan perubatan, kemudian dipindahkan ke Brigade Nahason milik Pentadbiran Penjara Israel sebelum dihantar ke Penjara Be’er Sheva Penjara dan kemungkinan penjara yang lain.

Mereka akan diadili dan dihantar pulang pada tahap seterusnya.

Sekitar 600 aktivis hak asasi manusia yang menaiki 8 buah kapal misi bantuan kemanusiaan menuju Gaza mengatakan bahawa mereka bertekad untuk sampai ke Gaza tanpa menghiraukan ancaman Israel.

Greta Berlin, juru bicara dari Gerakan Pembebasan Gaza, menyatakan bahawa “tidak ada yang akan menghentikan kapal ini, para aktivis hak asasi manusia tekad untuk mematahkan pengepungan dan sekatan Israel ke atas lebih 1.5 juta penduduk Palestin di Gaza, dan kami akan tetap menghantar bantuan kemanusiaan ini.” (imemc/alqudsol)

Ditulis Oleh Abu Ridhwan · dalam Kategori Berita

Friday 28 May 2010


"When you attack black people, they call it racism. When you attack Jewish people, they call it anti-semetism. When you attack women, they call it sexism. When you attack homosexuality, they call it intolerance. When you attack your country, they call it treason. When you attack a religious sect, they call it hate speech. But when you attack the Prophet (peace be upon him), they want to call it freedom of speech."

Shame on you who don't stand up to those who dare to jeer the most perfect creature ever made. Worse, you let it go, as if it is nothing. Well, if your parents or family were ever being mock, harrass etc etc etc, what will you do then? Owh it it was me, I'll kill them with my bare hands :).

Tuesday 25 May 2010


Salams Pencinta Kebenaran,

Berilah peringatan. Semasa membelek surah Yassin malam kelmarin, kebanyakan ayat di dalam surah tersebut mengarah ke arah memberikan peringatan kepada yang lalai, kepada yang kafir, kepada yang mereka yang mahu membersihkan diri.

Berikanlah peringatan. Apakah peringatan itu hanya didalam hati? Ngga sekali! Ngga! Peringatan itu perlu kan lisan dan tulisan yang nyata. Menulislah kerana Dia, hanya kerana Dia, menulislah untuk memberi peringatan. Kerana bak kata Ustaz SaifulIslam, erti hidup pada memberi.

Nah, sahabat-sahabat yang dicintai, peringatan itu manis sekali pada hati yang kotor, hati yang retak, hati yang hancur. Kerana hati itu akan berkali-kali diuji. Itu janji Allah swt, tapi janjinya lagi, Dia ngga akan pernah meninggalkan mereka yang menggantungkan seluruh harapan pada-Nya. Itulah sahabat-sahabat yang dimuliakan, wajah sebenar tawakal.

Owh, saya sedang menulis methodology. Nampaknya enteng sahaja, tapi saya ini, sahabat-sahabat sekalian, perfectionist, makanya, mahu menggarap satu ayat sahaja memerlukan daya yang sangat jitu, Allah hu Akbar. Doakan saya, sahabat-sahabatku, kerana saya butuh doa dari kamu, doa dri mereka-mereka yang asing.

Daripada Abu Darda’ RA, Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya : “Doa seorang muslim kepada saudara muslimnya secara ghaib (tanpa pengetahuan saudaranya) adalah mustajab (diterima), di sisi kepalanya malaikat yang diutus Allah setiap kali dia mendoakan saudara muslimnya dengan doa yang baik, dan berkatalah malaikat itu, amin!, engkau juga beroleh manfaat yang sama.” (Riwayat Muslim).

Must dash!
Love, always

Friday 21 May 2010



I was going to write about my fourth trip to Amsterdam, in which every trip is special. What brings me to this happening city this time? Anis and her children. She was my colleague, and I pay her a visit and bring her tat nenas - her special request from Malaysia. The Iraqi owner of the halal restaurant (in which I have my brunch there) thought I'm visiting a boyfriend. Romancing some Hollander, am I? Hello, I'm not in this game. Let the pictures tell you the story. Put in no particular order, and design for you to marvel at the wonderous God's creations.

Anis, walah, with all the requested tat nenas and custard biscuits. She losses weight *sign with envy*, and we only meet for approximately one hour. I was contemplating to fly at first, of course, but given to the higher cost incurred and the possibility of ashes covering our sky again - I rather take the ship. Even though the sun is shining brightly, it is cold. Dont let the sun deceive you - ever.

I love, love this picture. Originally, I want to take the photo of the crescent Moon, but the forlorn figure of this man, looking at the sun sets, prompt me to snap. He emits the aura of sadness, and it suits the mood of beautiful melancholy that is produced by the presence of twilight.

Isn't this photo glorious? I could never describe the feelings when I watch the nightfall. Let your imagination room unrestricted, and I leave it to you to soar above the sky, and feel free to feel anything, anything at all.

This is, without a doubt, the best capuccino I've ever drank. Seriously. I have my fair share of drinking capucino, mind you. A habit that I pick in recent years, blame it to my best friends back in UiTM. This coffee costs me 3.50 euro, but it worths every cent. My dad will love this coffee, he normally takes tea instead of coffee, as the caffeine will make him awake all night. And I watch the goals scored by the qualifying teams for the World Cup 2010. I need to finish the analysis by 11 June then.

This is the situation in the port before we are allowed to board on the ship. Lots of people, Europeans, Hollanders themselves as well as the people from the UK. Owh I nearly forgot that I'm a foreigner myself. There are two Malay families, in which I have a pleasure to make acquaintance. And I see a Russian Team! They are wearing the red shirts, but I do not what event they are competing at.

This is the prime reason why I keep coming back to Amsterdam. And I would really like to see the tulips, perhaps next year, by Allah's will.

I love, love spring in Amsterdam. It's really gorgeous, and I'm drunk in its beauty. The canals, the architecture, the shopping materials, the people, the trams. Owh did I tell you that I was nearly run over by a tram? My beg was hit, and I nearly lost a balance, Alhamdulillah there was a fence that saved me where I cling to it with my life.

And guess what? Most people guess that I'm an Indonesian, or Phillipine! While I was waiting for Anis at the KFC, Ibu Tini who owns a restaurant bought me coffee and Zinger Burger. Yes, the KFC in Amsterdam is halal, given to the growing Muslim population. I was quite embarrased actually, I just had my lunch, it wasn't like I was a refugee in need of a good food. Alhamdulillah, it's a rezk, isn't it?

This post is long. Forgive me.

I missed Anis already, and them in Malaysia, and some of them in the UK. Aihh, penat plak nak tulis. Too many continents then.

Must dash!
Love, as always.

Sunday 16 May 2010


Photos - to inspire you admiring God's wonders.


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

I love, love reading. In fact, books are my first loves, follow by the seasides and the sunsets. Thus I love to read blogs which post things that funny, sad, wise, angry and angst. Owh the love story is always in my top list - but written in a very beautiful way. If you read the classical writing penned by LM Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Johanna Spyri for examples, you will understand what I'm trying to tell. I absolutely detest the modern love stories - pornography in disguise, under the name of art and literature.

Thus, for those who write their daily experiences with gusto - I heart you.

I go to the carboots again today, out of boredom and listlessness at first, then I remember I want to get something for Anis and her children. To Seaham in the afternoon, but the rains decide to amuse themselves by falling heavily on us, on the day that I decide to shop with devotion! Many sellers have packed and headed home, the only ones who left are braved enough waiting in the freezing cold for ardent buyers. And guess what? I manage to buy five toys that cost me 10 pence each. Even though it could be fallen under second, or third or fourth hands, it still looks new. I doubt I will get the same price if I were in Malaysia.

I like this ayat. Owh, I like many verses too, but this ayat gives you the highest hopes aiii? I hope it manages to reinforce our imaan, by believing that when we follow the orders, InsyaAllah, the highest grade of Jannah i.e Firdaus is ours.

"Sesungguhnya laki-laki dan perempuan yang muslim, laki-laki dan perempuan yang mukmin, laki-laki dan perempuan yang tetap dalam ketaatannya, laki-laki dan perempuan yang benar, laki-laki dan perempuan yang sabar, laki-laki dan perempuan yang khusyuk, laki-laki dan perempuan yang bersedekah, laki-laki dan perempuan yang berpuasa, laki-laki dan perempuan yang memelihara kehormatannya, laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak menyebut (nama) Allah, Allah telah menyediakan untuk mereka ampunan dan pahala yang besar "- Al-Ahzab 32

We were talking about our nation's predicaments during the journey to Seaham. One thing I love about the senior sisters here are the informative conversations that we have. The gamblings are made legal in Malaysia, a laughable as well as an unbelievable economic action. Glancing at wikipedia, there are only few countries that adopt gamblings as legal, but heavily control it. They are not the nations that declares Islam as their official religion, unlike us. Do thou know that Malaysia is the world's largest Islamic banking and financial centre? Ironic, isn't it?

Must dash!
Love, as always.



Happy Mother's Day. I forgot the date, but for me who constantly 'sms'ing Mum, it makes no difference.

Happy Teacher's Day. Since I am in the academic world for my entire life, I need no reminder to remind me what impacts the teachers have. Bloggers who write posting worthy of gold also are teachers. And I have met my greatest teacher so far, alhamdulillah, who teaches me that kindness is much more priceless than anything in the world. Much true to what Agatha Christie's writing - the grown-up emotions - pity, sympathy and understanding - are for the matured adults only. Only children know love and hate. Let's be the greatest adults, shall we, pray to Allah swt that we eventually graduate from childhood to adulthood with a great success. However, please retain some of the wonderful traits that children posssess - the ability to laugh, wonder, curious and learn without restrain.

Yesterday I meet some of the people that have become my teachers informally. Mahyudin and Min and her family and having lunch at Ustazah Hamidah family. Will repay their kindness later, insyaAllah.

And now let's pray dhuha, shall we.

“Kekasihku Rasullullah SAW telah berwasiat kepadaku tiga perkara, aku tidak meninggalkannya, iaitu ; supaya aku tidak tidur melainkan setelah mengerjakan witir, dan supaya aku tidak meninggalkan dua rakaat solat Dhuha kerana ia adalah sunat awwabin, dan berpuasa tiga hari daripada tiap-tiap bulan”

(Hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

In the meantime, please enjoy few photos of spring.