I was attacked by the lazziness virus, very harmly and costly to the academic life, not to mention the personal life.
Then I've been slapped by a few blog entries - posted by many prominent muslim bloggers, the borrowed time isn't meant for me, it belongs to the al-Mighty. The written reminders must be written, for the sake of ummah, and self. Thus here I am again, wide awake with the noble intention to write very properly, alas, the ideas are shy away, running laughingly asking, daring me to cath up - while knowingly that I am too old to chase it.
Thus here are the titbits of my life - nothing juicy or scandalous as far as I am concerned - but I hope to the Ar-Rahman, it may make your day.
The library, for the first time in its long, long life, is open for 24 hours until the 4th of June 2010, the last day in the academic calendar. I was moaning to friends about its stingy opening hours for ages, yet when it is available for 24 hours 7 days a week, I do not take this advantage to stay over. Ah, the ungrateful of me. Well, I see no reason to even step into the library nowadays. I have the journals, and I am still struggling to read the books that I borrowed last year. Last year my dear. My love for library has been cold over, we used to be so inseparable, now I am thinking of the divorce.
But here I wow, I will stay overnight in the library, just to feel what it feels like - see, even my niat is not right. All right then, I'm going to study there for the sake of Allah swt.
The daffodils have been dead, and spring is waltzing with sakura now. I have snapped a few photos, but since the background is the somber grey sky that I love so much, I will put the photos when the sun is shining over the flowers. Just to honour the sun's grace. There are tulips in the town, but I have no courage to capture it, afraid of the presumption of the local people.
I have wished for the rains before. Now the pray has been granted, I am not ungrateful, but it brings with its twin which I have no affection - the cold. I thought the days of wearing thousands clothes are over, how wrong I am. But I love the misty rains, mysterious and mischievous, teasing me to dance. However, the danger of pneumonia always makes me sober. I just want the rains without the cold, quite impossible to achieve in the area of Northeast of the UK.
Lesson from all the ramblings written above? I discover another triffle human trait. How quickly we become ungrateful, after the prayers have been granted. Wanna a library open for 24 hours - and yet do not use, wanna rains for cooling down the unbearable heat, and yet when it arrives I grumble.
How true;
Al-'Araf ayat 17, "Kemudian aku akan mendatangi mereka dari muka dan dari belakang mereka, dari kanan dan dari kiri mereka. Dan engkau tidak mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur."
It makes me shudder. Ya Rabb, please make me as one of your humble servants, who always pray, praise and seek forgiveness from you.
He knows my weakness. Let change it Nur!